Purchase gift card

Buy the perfect gift card. Choose any amount you want to add.
Note: The minimum you can add on the card is €50

Skin Care Clinic Gift Card

The Perfect MS Skincare Gift Card for your loving one.


Important note: If you wish to pickup the gift card in-store, simply update the shipping address postcode to D15P9PX within the cart page and click "update." This will remove the €2 shipping cost. Please note that the free shipping rate is applicable only for in-store collection.

Booking Terms & Condtions!

Please note that to make and secure your appointment, a deposit of €50 will be required.

Deposits are non refundable. If you can’t attend at agreed date and time, there is 24h cancellation policy, where you can reschedule your appointment free of charge. Please note that your appointment won’t be refundable if your date/time is changed due to covid-19 restrictions and our clinic is closed because of lockdown or other circumstances.

We will contact you then to reschedule your visit to the next available date/time.

Please remember that once you pay your deposit your appointment will be secure and prioritised. Deposit is redeemable off the final cost on the day of your visit